
Palos Verdes is a unique and special spot. Things here are different from what they were many years ago. Over time, much has come, much has gone. But what remains and continues to bring us all together is a strong sense of community. Our vision for the mall is to bring back that sense of togetherness — a place where you can unexpectedly see friends, grab food with the whole family, and bring your kids to play by the fountain.
GOOD FOOD AND FUN! We used to go to gablehouse, we used to go to mulligans, we used to go to laser tag —we bowled, we laughed, we had fun together. We grew up here with things to do and places to play; but where will our kids go now?
We’re creating a place where, once again, your kids will have a place to go; a place to play, to laugh, and to have fun - somewhere safe where they can grow, explore their independence, and create lasting memories together.
Get ready for some real change! Our vision is to create a friendly neighborhood mall that brings back the charm of mom-and-pops because no one cares more. Remember when you forgot your lunch and Mr. Kelly put it on “your tab.” Remember when you went Trick-or-Treating at the mall at night, visiting every store for candy? Remember when there was a haunted house with a White Rabbit guiding you through a wonderland maze? Remember when we had a place to meet, talk, eat and play?
Change is happening now. Welcome back, Promenade | PV.
Everyone in our town has visited the mall at least once. Who doesn’t have fond memories there? Memories of birthdays, school fundraisers, team events, meet-ups with friends, moments from when you were younger? We’re bringing all of that back and more — a place for human connection, where you can talk to a passerby or hang out with your best friends — a place for community, is a place just for you.
To all who remember the courtyard mall, may fond & happy memories once again be made here . . .